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Arrange sentences A B, C, and D between sentences 1 and 6, so as to form a logical sequence of six sentences.

1. Managers must lead by example; they should not be averse to giving a hand in manual work, if required.

A. They should also update their competence to guide their subordinates; this would be possible only if they keep in regular touch with new processes, machines, instruments, gauges, systems and gadgets.

B. Work must be allocated to different groups and team members in clear, specific terms.

C. Too much of wall-building is detrimental to the exercise of the ‘personal charisma’ of the leader whose presence should not be felt only through notices, circulars or memos, but by being seen physically.

D. Simple, clean living among one’s people should be insisted upon.

6. This would mean the maintaining of an updated organisation chart; laying down job descriptions; identifying key result areas; setting personal targets; and above all, monitoring of performance, to meet organisational goals.

  1. BDAC
  2. BCDA
  3. ADCB
  4. ACDB
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Option D should be the Answer.

1. Managers must lead by example; they should not be averse to giving a hand in manual work if required.

A. They should also update their competence to guide their subordinates; this would be possible only if they keep in regular touch with new processes, machines, instruments, gauges, systems and gadgets.

C. Too much of wall-building is detrimental to the exercise of the ‘personal charisma’ of the leader whose presence should not be felt only through notices, circulars or memos, but by being seen physically.

D. Simple, clean living among one’s people should be insisted upon.

B. Work must be allocated to different groups and team members in clear, specific terms.

6. This would mean the maintaining of an updated organization chart; laying down job descriptions; identifying key result areas; setting personal targets; and above all, monitoring of performance, to meet organizational goals.

B should just before 6th is obvious, and according to given answers then only option C&D left, which implies the sequence should start with A. B. Work must be allocated to different groups and team members in clear, specific terms.
The dilemma between D->C and C->D  is can be resolved by the keeping the momentum of the 1st statement, which says that manager should help the subordinates physically if needed, which infers option C is more suitable and option D follows.

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