Recent questions tagged gate2018-ce-1

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A core cutter of $130$ mm height has inner and outer diameters of $100$ mm and $106$ mm, respectively. The area ratio of the core cutter (in $\%$, up to two decimal place...
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The value of the integral $\int_0^{\pi} x \cos^2 x \: dx$ is$\pi^2/8$$\pi^2/4$$\pi^2/2$$\pi^2$
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A $1:50$ model of a spillway is to be tested in the laboratory. The discharge in the prototype spillway is $1000 \: m^3/s$. The corresponding discharge (in $m^3/s$, up to...
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In a fillet weld, the direct shear stress and bending tensile stress are $50$ MPa and $150$ MPa, respectively. As per $\text{IS }800:2007$, the equivalent stress (in MPa,...
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In a shrinkage limit test, the volume and mass of a dry soil pat are found to be $50 cm^3$ and $88$ g, respectively. The specific gravity of the soil solids is $2.71$ and...
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A $10$ m wide rectangular channel carries a discharge of $20 \: m^3/s$ under critical condition. Using $g=9.81 m/s^2$, the specific energy (in m, up to two decimal places...
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A cantilever beam of length $2$ m with a square section of side length $0.1$ m is loaded vertically at the free end. The vertical displacement at the free end is $5$ mm. ...
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A bitumen sample has been graded as $\text{VG}30$ as per $\text{IS:}73-2013$. The $'30'$ in the grade means thatpenetration of bitumen at $25^{\circ}C$ is between $20$ an...
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There are $20,000$ vehicles operating in a city with an average annual travel of $12,000$ km per vehicle. The NOx emission rate is $2.0$ g/km per vehicle. The total annua...
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The speed-density relationship for a road section is shown in the figure.The shape of the flow-density relationship ispiecewise linearparabolicinitially linear than parab...
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A well-designed signalized intersection is one in which thecrossing conflicts are increasedtotal delay is minimizedcycle time is equal to the sum of red and green times i...
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A flow field is given by $u=y^2, \: v=-xy, \: w=0$. Value of the z-component of the angular velocity (in radians per unit time, up to two decimal places) at the point $(0...
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The frequency distribution of the compressive strength of $20$ concrete cube specimen is given in the table.$$\begin{array}{|c|c|} \hline f \text{ (MPa)} & \text{Number o...
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Two rectangular under-reinforced concrete beam sections X and Y are similar in all aspects except that the longitudinal compression reinforcement in section Y is $10 \%$ ...
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The percent reduction in the bearing capacity of a strip footing resting on sand under flooding condition (water level at the base of the footing) when compared to the si...
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The width of a square footing and the diameter of a circular footing are equal. If both the footings are placed on the surface of sandy soil, the ratio of the ultimate be...
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Bernoulli's equation is applicable forviscous and compressible fluid flowinviscid and compressible fluid flowinviscid and incompressible fluid flowviscous and incompressi...
1 answers
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A column of height $h$ with a rectangular cross-section of size $a \times 2a$ has a buckling load of $P$. If the cross-section is changed to $0.5 a \times 3a$ and its hei...
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A solid circular beam with radius of $0.25$ m and length of $2$ m is subjected to a twisting moment of $20$ kNm about the z-axis at the free end, which is the only load a...
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The Le Chatelier apparatus is used to determinecompressive strength of cementfitness of cementsetting time of cementsoundness of cement
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The deformation in concrete due to sustained loading iscreephydrationsegregationshrinkage
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A steel column of ISHB $350$ @$72.4$ kg/m is subjected to a factored axial compressive load of $2000$ kN. The load is transferred to a concrete pedestal of grade $M20$ th...
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At the point $x= 0$, the function $f(x) = x^3$ haslocal maximumlocal minimumboth local maximum and minimumneither local maximum nor local minimum
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For the given orthogonal matrix Q, $Q = \begin{bmatrix} 3/7 & 2/7 & 6/7 \\ -6/7 & 3/7 & 2/7 \\ 2/7 & 6/7 & -3/7 \end{bmatrix}$ The inverse is$\begin{bmatrix} 3/7 & 2/7 &...
1 answers
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Which one of the following matrices is singular?$\begin{bmatrix} 2 & 5 \\ 1 & 3 \end{bmatrix} \\$$\begin{bmatrix} 3 & 2 \\ 2 & 3 \end{bmatrix} \\$$\begin{bmatrix} 2 & 4\\...