Recent questions and answers in Highway Pavements

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A car is travelling at a speed of $60 \mathrm{~km} / \mathrm{hr}$ on a section of a National Highway having a downward gradient of $2 \%$. The driver of the car suddenly ...
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The softening point of bitumen has the same unit as that ofdistancetemperaturetimeviscosity
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In an aggregate mix, the proportions of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and mineral filler are $\text{55%, 40% and 5%}$, respectively. The values of bulk specific gravit...
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In an urban area, a median is provided to separate the opposing stream of traffic. As per $IRC:86-1983$, the desirable minimum width (in $m$, expressed as integer) of the...
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The flow-density relationship of traffic on a highway is shown in the figureThe correct representation of speed-density relationship of the traffic on this highway is
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An isolated concrete pavement slab of length $L$ is resting on a frictionless base. The temperature of the top and bottom fibre of the slab are $T_t$ and $T_b$, respectiv...
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A box measuring $50 \: cm \times 50 \: cm \times 50 \: cm$ is filled to the top with dry coarse aggregate of mass $187.5 \: kg$. The water absorption and specific gravity...
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Structural failures considered in the mechanistic method of bituminous pavement design areFatigue and RuttingFatigue and ShearRutting and ShearShear and Slippage
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A flexible pavement has the following class of loads during a particular hour of the day.$80$ buses with $2$- axles ( each axle load of $40 \: kN$)$160$ trucks with $2$-a...
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In the context of the $IRC \: 58-2011$ guidelines for rigid pavement design, consider the following pair of statements.Radius of relative stiffness is directly related to...
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The following observations are made while testing aggregate for its suitability in pavement construction:Mass of oven-dry aggregate in air $=1000 $ g Mass of saturated su...
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The penetration value of a bitumen sample tested at $25^{\circ}C$ is $80$. When this sample is heated to $60^{\circ}C$ and tested again, the needle of the penetration tes...
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On a section of a highway the speed-density relationship is linear an is given by $v=\big[80 – \dfrac{2}{3}k\big]$; where $v$ is in km/h and $k$ is in veh/km. The capac...
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An observer counts $240$ veh/h at a specific highway location. Assume that the vehicle arrival at the location is Poisson distributed, the probability of having one havin...
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The following statements are related to temperature stresses developed in concrete pavement slabs with free edges (without any restraint):The temperature stresses will be...
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It was observed that $150$ vehicles crossed a particular location of a highway in a duration of $30$ minutes. Assuming that vehicle arrival follows a negative exponential...
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Select the strength parameter of concrete used in design of plain jointed cement concrete pavements from the following choices:Tensile strengthCompressive strengthFlexura...
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Two bitumen samples “X” and “Y” have softening points $45^{\circ}C$ and $60^{\circ}C$, respectively. Consider the following statements:Viscosity of “X” will b...
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A bitumen sample has been graded as $\text{VG}30$ as per $\text{IS:}73-2013$. The $'30'$ in the grade means thatpenetration of bitumen at $25^{\circ}C$ is between $20$ an...
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As per $\text{IRC:}37-2012$, in order to control subgrade rutting in flexible pavements, the parameter to be considered ishorizontal tensile strain at the bottom of bitum...
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