Recent questions tagged quantitative-aptitude

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2 answers
If the sum of first $11$ terms of an arithmetic progression equals that of a first $19$ terms, then what is the sum of the first $30$ terms?$0$$-1$$1$Not unique
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1 answer
A milkman mixes $20$ litres of water with $80$ litres of milk. After selling one-fourth of his mixture, he adds water to replenish the quantity that he has sold. What is ...
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1 answer
Calculate number of pairs Whose LCM is 800 and HCF is 20
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0 answers
There are three coplanar parallel lines. If any $p$ points are taken on each of the lines, then find the maximum number of triangles with the vertices of these points.$p^...
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M is the center of the circle. $l(\text{QS})=10 \sqrt{2},l (\text{PR}) = l(\text{RS})$ and $\text{PR} \| \text{QS}$. Find the area of the shaded region. (use $\pi=3$)$100...
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0 answers
A train crosses a platform $100$ meters long in $60$ seconds at a speed of $45$ km per hour. The time taken by the train to cross an electric pole, is$8$ seconds$1$ minut...
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0 answers
Let $g(x)$ be a function such that $g(x+1) +g(x-1) = g(x)$ for every real $x.$ Then for what value of $p$ is the relation $g(x+p)=g(x)$ necessarily true for every real $x...
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0 answers
Let $x=\sqrt{4+\sqrt{4-\sqrt{4+\sqrt{4-}}}} \dots$ to infinity. Then $x$ equals$3$$\frac{\sqrt{13} -1}{2}$$\frac{\sqrt{13} +1}{2}$$\sqrt{13}$
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0 answers
Let $\text{S}$ be a positive integer such that every element $n$ of $\text{S}$ satisfies the conditions$1000 \leq n \leq 1200$every digit in $n$ is oddThen how many elem...
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In the $\text{X-Y}$ plane, the area of the region bounded by the graph $|x+y| + |x-y| =4$ is$8$$12$$16$$20$
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1 answer
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0 answers
If $x \geq y$ and $y 1$ then the value of the expression $\log_x\left(\frac{x}{y}\right) + \log_y\left(\frac{y}{x}\right)$ can never be$-1$$-0.5$$0$$1$
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1 answer
The rightmost non-zero digit of the number $30^{2720}$ is ______$1$$3$$7$$9$
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0 answers
If $a_1 =1$ and $a_{n+1}-3a_n +2 = 4n$ for every positive integer n then $a_{100}$ equals$3^{99} - 200$$3^{99} + 200$$3^{100} - 200$$3^{100} + 200$
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0 answers
Let $n! = 1 \times 2 \times 3 \times \dots \times n$ for integer $n \geq 1$. If $p = 1! (2 \times 2!) + (3 \times 3!) + \dots + (10 \times 10!)$, then $p+2$ when divided ...
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1 answer
For which value of $k$ does the following pair of equations yield a unique solution for $x$ such that the solution is positive?$x^2 - y^2 =0$$(x-k)^2 + y^2 =1$$2$$0$$\sqr...
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1 answer
What is the distance in cm between two parallel chords of length $32$ cm and $24$ cm in a circle of radius $20$ cm?$1$ or $7$$2$ or $14$$3$ or $21$$4$ or $28$
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1 answer
If $\text{R} = \dfrac{30^{65} – 29^{65}}{30^{64} + 29^{64}}$ then$0 < \text{R} \leq 0.1$$0.1 < \text{R} \leq 0.5$$0.5 < \text{R} \leq 1.0$$\text{R} 1.0$