Recent questions tagged water-and-waste-water

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An amount of $35.67\:mg\:HCl$ is added to distilled water and the total solution volume is made to one litre. The atomic weights of $H$ and $Cl$ are $1$ and $35.5$, resp...
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A stream with a flow rate of $5\:m^3/s$ is having an ultimate BOD of $30\:mg/litre$. A wastewater discharge of $0.20\:m^3/s$ having $BOD_5\:\text{of}\:500\:mg/litre$ join...
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A sample of water contains an organic compound $C_8H_{16}O_8$ at a concentration of $10^{-3}\: \text{mol/litre}$. Given that the atomic weight of $C = 12\: \text{g/mol}, ...
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Sedimentation basin in a water treatment plant is designed for a flow rate of $0.2 \: m^3/s$. The basin is rectangular with a length of $32 \: m$, width of $8 \:m $, and ...
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A wastewater is to be disinfected with $35 \: mg/L$ of chlorine to obtain $99 \%$ kill of micro-organisms. The number of micro-organisms remaining alive $(N_t)$ at time $...
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Analysis of a water sample revealed that the sample contains the following species.$CO_3^{2-}, Na^+, H^+, PO_4^{3-}, Al^{3+}, H_2CO_3, Cl^-, Ca^{2+}, Mg^{2+}, HCO_3^-, Fe...
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Chlorine is used as the disinfectant in a municipal water treatment plant. It achieves $50$ percent of disinfection efficiency measured in terms of killing the indicator ...
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A water treatment plant treats $6000 \: m^3$ of water per day. As a part of the treatment process, discrete particles are required to be settled in a clarifier. A column ...
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Consider the reactor shown in the figure. The flow rate through the reactor is $Q \: m^3/h$. The concentrations (in $mg/L$) of a compound in the influent and effluent are...
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Crown corrosion in a reinforced concrete sewer is caused by:$H_2S$$CO_2$$CH_4$$NH_3$
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A water treatment plant of capacity, $1 \: m^3/s$ has filter boxed of dimensions $6 \; m \times 10 \: m$. Loading rate to the filters is $120 \: m^3/day/m^2$. When two of...
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