Recent questions tagged traffic-stream

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In a one-lane one-way homogeneous traffic stream, the observed average headway is $3.0$ s. The flow (expressed in vehicles/hr) in this traffic stream is ________
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The relation between speed $u$ (in km/h) and density $k$ (number of vehicles/km) for a traffic stream on a road is $u=70-0.7k$. The capacity on this road is _________ vph...
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Which of the following statements CANNOT be used to describe free flow speed $(u_f)$ of a traffic stream?$(u_f)$ is the speed when flow is negligible$(u_f)$ is the speed ...
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The average spacing between vehicles in a traffic stream is $50$ m, then the density (in veh/km) of the stream is _______
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A car follows a slow moving truck (travelling at a speed of $10$ m/s) on a two-lane two-way highway. The car reduces its speed to $10$ m/s and follows the truck maintaini...
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A priority intersection has a single-lane oneway traffic road crossing an undivided two-lane two-way traffic road. The traffic stream speed on the single lane road is $20...
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