Recent questions tagged seepage-through-soils

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A granular soil has a saturated unit weight of $20 \:kN/m^3$ and an effective angle of shearing resistance of $30^{\circ}$. The unit weight of water is $9.81 \: kN/m^3$. ...
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The dimensions of a soil sampler are given in the table.$$\begin{array}{|c|c|c|} \hline \text{Parameter} & \text{Cutting edge} & \text{Sampling tube} \\ \hline \text{Insi...
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The seepage occurring through an earthen dam is represented by a flownet comprising of $10$ equipotential drops and $20$ flow channels. The coefficient of permeability of...
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Steady state seepage is taking place through a soil element at $Q$, $2$ m below the ground surface immediately downstream of the toe of an earthen dam as shown in the ske...
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A flownet below a dam consists of $24$ equipotential drops and $7$ flow channels. The difference between the upstream the upstream and downstream water levels is $6$ m. T...
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