Recent questions tagged passage-reading

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Based only on the following passage, which one of the options can be inferred with certainty?When the congregation sang together, Apenyo would also join, though her littl...
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The James Webb telescope, recently launched in space, is giving humankind unprecedented access to the depths of time by imaging very old stars formed almost $13$ billion ...
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In the last few years, several new shopping malls were opened in the city. The total number of visitors in the malls is impressive. However, the total revenue generated t...
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Healthy eating is a critical component of healthy aging. When should one start eating healthy? It turns out that it is never too early. For example, babies who start eati...
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The author said, "Musicians rehearse before their concerts. Actors rehearse their roles before the opening of a new play. On the other hand, I find it strange that many p...
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Humans have the ability to construct worlds entirely in their minds, which don't exist in the physical world. So far as we know, no other species possesses this ability. ...
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The American psychologist Howard Gardner expounds that human intelligence can be subcategorized into multiple kinds, in such a way that individuals differ with respect to...
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Nominal interest rate is defined as the amount paid by the borrower to the lender for using the borrowed amount for a specific period of time. Real interest rate calculat...
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A map shows the elevations of Darjeeling, Gangtok, Kalimpong, Pelling, and Siliguri. Kalimpong is at a lower elevation than Gangtok, Pelling is at a lower elevation than...
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Bhaichung was observing the pattern of people entering and leaving a car service centre. There was a single window where customers were being served. He saw that people i...
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The new cotton technology, Bollgard-II, with herbicide-tolerant traits has developed into a thriving business in India. However, the commercial use of this technology is ...
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"The increasing interest in tribal characters might be a mere coincidence, but the timing is of interest. None of this, though, is to say that the tribal hero has arrived...
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The Newspaper reports that over $500$ hectares of tribal land spread across $28$ tribal settlements in Mohinitampuram forest division have already been “alienated”. A...
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“popular Hindi fiction, despite – or perhaps because of – its wide reach, often does not appear in our cinema. As ideals that viewers are meant to look up to rather...
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Today, we consider Ashoka as a great ruler because of the copious evidence he left behind in the form of stone carved edicts. Historians tend to correlate greatness of a ...
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Indian currency notes show the denomination indicated in at least seventeen languages. If this is not an indication of the nation’s diversity, nothing else is.Which of ...
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The old concert hall was demolished because of fears that the foundation would be affected by the construction of the new metro line in the area. Modern technology for un...
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Most experts feel that in spite of possessing all the technical skills required to be a batsman of the highest order he is unlikely to be so due to lack of requisite temp...
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Moving into a world of big data will require us to change our thinking about the merits of exactitude. To apply the conventional mindset of measurement to the digital, co...
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Wanted Temporary, Part-time persons for the post of Field Interviewer to conduct personal interviews to collect and collate economic data. Requirements: High School-pass,...
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