Recent questions tagged infiltration

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A water filtration unit is made of uniform-size sand particles of $\text{0.4 mm}$ diameter with a shape factor of $0.84$ and specific gravity of $2.55$. The depth of the ...
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The infiltration capacity of a soil follows the Horton’s exponential model, $f=c_1+c_2e^{-kt}$. During an experiment, the initial infiltration capacity was observed to ...
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The hyetograph of a storm event of duration $140$ minutes is shown in the figure:The infiltration capacity at the start of this event $(t=0)$ is $17 \: mm/hour$, which li...
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The infiltration rate $f$ in a basin under ponding condition is given by $f = 30+10e^{-2t}$ where, $f$ is in mm/h and $t$ is time in hour. Total depth of infiltration (in...
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