Recent questions tagged functions

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2 votes
A function, $\lambda$, is defined by$\lambda \left ( p,q \right )=\left\{\begin{matrix} \left ( p-q \right )^{2}, & \text{if} \:p\geq q, \\ p+q, &\text{if} \: p< q.\end{m...
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If $f(x) = x^2$ for each $x\in (-\infty,\infty)$, then $\large \dfrac{f\left(f\left(f(x)\right)\right)}{f(x)}$ is equal to _______.$f(x)$$(f(x))^2$$(f(x))^3$$(f(x))^4$
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If $f(x)=2x^7 +3x-5$, which of the following is a factor of $f(x)$?$(x^3+8)$$(x-1)$$(2x-5)$$(x+1)$
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A function $f(x)$ is linear and has a value of $29$ at $x=-2$ and $39$ at $x=3.$ Find its value at $x=5.$$59$$45$$43$$35$
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1 votes
Choose the most appropriate equation for the function drawn as a thick line, in the plot below.$x=y – \mid y \mid $$x=-(y – \mid y \mid )$$x=y+ \mid y \mid $$x=-(y+...
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Which of the following function(s) is an accurate description of the graph for the range(s) indicated?$y=2x+4 \text{ for } -3 \leq x \leq -1$$y= \mid x-1 \mid \text{ for ...
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