Recent questions tagged english-grammar

2 answers
1 votes
The line ran _________ the page, right through the centre, and divided the page into two. across of betweenabout
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3 votes
"I have not yet decided what I will do this evening; I ______ visit a friend."mite wouldmight didn't
1 answers
1 votes
Arun and Aparna are here.Arun and Aparna is here.Arun’s families is here.Arun’s family is here.Which of the above sentences are grammatically $\text{CORRECT}$?$\text{...
1 answers
1 votes
Getting to the top is ______________ than staying on top.more easymuch easyeasiesteasier
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0 votes
The event would have been successful if you____________able to come.arehad beenhave beenwould have been
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They have come a long way in ________ trust among the users.creatingcreatedcreationcreate
0 answers
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The CEO’s decision to quit was as shocking to the Board as it was to ______.Imemymyself
1 answers
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If I were you, I _______ that laptop. It's much too expensive.won't buyshan't buywouldn't buywould buy
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1 votes
Out of the following four sentences, select the most suitable sentence with respect to grammar and usage.I will not leave the place until the minister does not meet me.I ...
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The bacteria in milk are destroyed when it __________ heated to $80$ degree Celsius.would bewill beiswas
1 answers
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Choose the statement where underlined word is used correctly.The minister insured the victims that everything would be all right.He ensured that the company will not have...
1 answers
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The Tamil version of ___________ John Abraham-starrer Madras Cafe __________ cleared by the Censor Board with no cuts last week, but the film’s distributors _________ n...
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$\underset{I}{\underline{\text{The professor }}} \underset{II}{\underline{\text{ ordered to }}} \underset{III}{\underline{\text{ the student to go }}} \underset{IV}{...
1 answers
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Choose the grammatically $\textbf{INCORRECT}$ sentence:They gave us the money back less the service charges of Three Hundred rupees.This country’s expenditure is not le...
1 answers
0 votes
Choose the most appropriate alternative from the options given below to complete the following sentence:$\textbf{Suresh’s dog is the one __________ was hurt in the stam...
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