Recent questions and answers in Municipal Solid Wastes

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Determine the correctness or otherwise of the following Assertion $\text{[a]}$ and the Reason $\text{[r]}$.$\text{Assertion [a]}$: One of the best ways to reduce the amou...
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A grit chamber of rectangular cross-section is to be designed to remove particles with diameter of $\text{0.25 mm}$ and specific gravity of $2.70$. The terminal settling ...
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Which one of the following statements is correct?Pyrolysis is an endothermic process, which takes place in the absence of oxygenPyrolysis is an exothermic process, which ...
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A waste to energy plant burns dry solid waste of composition: Carbon $= 35\%$, Oxygen $= 26\%$ , Hydrogen $= 10\%$, Sulphur $= 6\%$, Nitrogen $= 3\%$ and Inerts $= 20\%.$...
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The composition of a municipal solid waste sample is given below:$\begin{array}{|l|c|c|c|} \hline \text{Component} & \text{Percent by} & \text{Moisture Content} & \text{E...
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A municipal corporation is required to treat $1000 \: m^3/day$ of water. It is found that an overflow rate of $20 m/day$ will produce a satisfactory removal of the discre...
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Raw municipal solid waste (MSW) collected from a city contains $70 \%$ decomposable material that can be converted to methane. The water content of the decomposable mater...
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A landfill is to be designed to serve a population of $200000$ for a period of $25$ years. The solid waste (SW) generation is $2$ kg/person/day. The density of the un-com...
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Solid waste generated from an industry contains only two components, X and Y as shown in the table below.$$\begin{array}{ccc} \textbf{Component} & \textbf{Composition} & ...
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A city generates $40 \times 10^6$ kg of municipal solid waste (MSW) per year, out of which only $10\%$ is recovered/recycled and the rest goes to landfill. The landfill h...
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A schematic flow diagram of a completely mixed biological reactor with provision for recycling of solids shown in the figure. $S_0$, $S$ = readily biodegradable soluble B...
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