Recent questions tagged two-blank-word

2 votes
1 answer
Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of sentence as whole.The actual ___________ of Wilson's position was always ___________ by his r...
2 votes
1 answer
I. It helps to rinse one's mouth early morning with a _______ of salt and water.II. You can always refer to this reference material to find the _________ to these problem...
1 votes
1 answer
I. This course teaches you not to _______ to temptations.II. We hope to increase our ________ of rice this yearsuccumbproduceyieldsharesubmit
2 votes
2 answers
I. Boats take more time going against the ________ of the river.II. She keeps herself abreast of ________ events. flowlatestwaterallcurrent
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