Recent questions tagged geometry

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A circle is inscribed in a given square and another circle is circumscribed about the square. What is the ratio of the area of the inscribed circle to that of the circums...
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A circle with radius $2$ is placed against a right angle. Another small circle is also placed as shown in the adjoining figure. What is the radius of the smaller circle?$...
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From a circular sheet of paper with a radius $20$ cm, four circles of radius $5$ cm each are cut out. What is the ratio of the uncut to the cut portion? $1:3$$4:1$$3:1$$4...
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If $\text{ABCD}$ is a square and $\text{BCE}$ is an equilateral triangle, what is the measure of angle $\angle \text{DEC}?$ $15^{\circ}$$30^{\circ}$$20^{\circ}$$45^{\circ...
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On a semicircle with diameter AD; chord BC is parallel to the diameter. Further, each of the chords AB and CD has length $2,$ while has length $8.$ What is the length of ...
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In the adjoining figure, chord $\text{ED}$ is parallel to the diameter $\text{AC}$ of the circle. If $\angle \text{CBE} = 65^{\circ}$ then what is the value of $\angle \t...
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There are three coplanar parallel lines. If any $p$ points are taken on each of the lines, then find the maximum number of triangles with the vertices of these points.$p^...
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M is the center of the circle. $l(\text{QS})=10 \sqrt{2},l (\text{PR}) = l(\text{RS})$ and $\text{PR} \| \text{QS}$. Find the area of the shaded region. (use $\pi=3$)$100...
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What is the distance in cm between two parallel chords of length $32$ cm and $24$ cm in a circle of radius $20$ cm?$1$ or $7$$2$ or $14$$3$ or $21$$4$ or $28$
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An equilateral triangle $\text{BP}$ is drawn inside a square $\text{ABCD}.$ What is the value of the angle $\text{APD}$ in degrees?$75$$90$$120$$135$$150$
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Consider obtuse-angled triangles with sides $8$ cm, $15$ cm and $x$ cm. If x is an integer, then how many such triangles exist?$5$$21$$10$$15$$14$
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2 answers
In the given figure, $∠BAC = 120º$ and $AD$ is the bisector of $∠BAC$. If $\frac{(AD)(AB)}{BD} = \frac{AE}{EC}( AE + EC )$ and $∠EDC = ∠ECD$, what is the ratio ...