Recent questions tagged cat2014

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From each of the two given numbers, half the smaller number is subtracted. Of the resulting numbers the larger one is three times as large as the smaller. What is the rat...
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If $y = f(x)$ and $f(x) = (1 - x) / (1 + x)$, which of the following is true? $f(2x) = f(x) – 1$ $x = f(2y) - 1$ $f(1/x) = f(x)$ $x = f(y)$
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A circle is inscribed in a given square and another circle is circumscribed about the square. What is the ratio of the area of the inscribed circle to that of the circums...
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From a circular sheet of paper with a radius $20$ cm, four circles of radius $5$ cm each are cut out. What is the ratio of the uncut to the cut portion? $1:3$$4:1$$3:1$$4...
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Instead of a metre scale, a cloth merchant uses a $120$ cm scale while buying, but uses an $80$ cm scale while selling the same cloth. What is his overall profit percenta...
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If $\text{ABCD}$ is a square and $\text{BCE}$ is an equilateral triangle, what is the measure of angle $\angle \text{DEC}?$ $15^{\circ}$$30^{\circ}$$20^{\circ}$$45^{\circ...