Recent questions tagged gatecivil-2023-set2

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In the given figure, Point $\mathrm{O}$ indicates the stress point of a soil element at initial non-hydrostatic stress condition. For the stress path $\text{(OP),}$ which...
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The figure shows a vertical retaining wall with backfill consisting of cohesive-frictional soil and a failure plane developed due to passive earth pressure. The forces ac...
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A compound symmetrical open channel section as shown in the figure has a maximum of ______________ critical depth(s).$3$$2$$1$$4$
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The critical flow condition in a channel is given by ____________.[Note: $\alpha$ - kinetic energy correction factor; $Q$ - discharge; $A_c$ - cross-sectional area of flo...
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Match the following air pollutants with the most appropriate adverse health effects:$$\begin{array}{|l|l|}\hline \textbf{Air pollutant} & \textbf{Health effect to human a...
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A delivery agent is at a location $\mathrm{R}$. To deliver the order, she is instructed to travel to location P along straight-line paths of $\mathrm{RC}, \mathrm{CA}, \m...
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Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?The thickness of a turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate kept parallel to the flow direction is proportional to the squar...
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In the context of water and wastewater treatments, the correct statements are:particulate matter may shield microorganisms during disinfectionammonia decreases chlorine d...
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Which of the following statements is/are TRUE for the aerobic composting of sewage sludge?Bulking agent is added during the composting process to reduce the porosity of t...
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The figure presents the time-space diagram for when the traffic on a highway is suddenly stopped for a certain time and then released. Which of the following statements a...
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Consider the Marshall method of mix design for bituminous mix. With the increase in bitumen content, which of the following statements is/are TRUE?the Stability decreases...
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A $5 \mathrm{~cm}$ long metal rod $\mathrm{AB}$ was initially at a uniform temperature of $T_0{ }^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$. Thereafter, temperature at both the ends are mainta...
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A beam is subjected to a system of coplanar forces as shown in the figure. The magnitude of vertical reaction at Support $\text{P}$ is ______________________ $\text{N}$ (...
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For the frame shown in the figure (not to scale), all members $\mathrm{(AB, BC, CD, GB,}$ and $\mathrm{CH}$) have the same length, $L$ and flexural rigidity, $E I$. The j...
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Consider the singly reinforced section of a cantilever concrete beam under bending, as shown in the figure $(M25$ grade concrete, $Fe415$ grade steel). The stress block p...
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A $2\text{D}$ thin plate with modulus of elasticity, $E=1.0 \mathrm{~N} / \mathrm{m}^{2}$, and Poisson's ratio, $\mu=0.5$, is in plane stress condition. The displacement ...
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An idealised frame supports a load as shown in the figure. The horizontal component of the force transferred from the horizontal member $\mathrm{PQ}$ to the vertical memb...
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A square footing is to be designed to carry a column load of $500~ \mathrm{kN}$ which is resting on a soil stratum having the following average properties: bulk unit weig...
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A circular pile of diameter $0.6 \mathrm{~m}$ and length $8 \mathrm{~m}$ was constructed in a cohesive soil stratum having the following properties: bulk unit weight $=19...
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For the flow setup shown in the figure (not to scale), the hydraulic conductivities of the two soil samples, Soil $1$ and Soil $2,$ are $10 \mathrm{~mm} / \mathrm{s}$ and...
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A consolidated drained $\text{(CD)}$ triaxial test was carried out on a sand sample with the known effective shear strength parameters, $c^{\prime}=0$ and $\phi^{\prime}=...
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A catchment may be idealized as a circle of radius $30 \mathrm{~km}$. There are five rain gauges, one at the center of the catchment and four on the boundary (equi-spaced...
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The cross-section of a small river is sub-divided into seven segments of width $1.5 \mathrm{~m}$ each. The average depth, and velocity at different depths were measured d...
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The theoretical aerobic oxidation of biomass $\left(\mathrm{C}_5 \mathrm{H}_7 \mathrm{O}_2 \mathrm{~N}\right)$ is given below:$\mathrm{C}_5 \mathrm{H}_7 \mathrm{O}_2 \mat...
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A system of seven river segments is shown in the schematic diagram. The $\mathrm{R}_{\mathrm{i}}$ 's, $\mathrm{Q}_{\mathrm{i}}$ 's, and $\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{i}}$ 's $(\ma...