Recent questions tagged gatecivil-2022-set2

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A post-tensioned concrete member of span $15 \; \text(m)$ and cross-section of $450 \; \text{mm} \times 450 \; \text{mm}$ is prestressed with three steel tendons, each of...
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A $100 \; \text{mg}$ of $\text{HNO}_{3}$ (strong acid) is added to water, bringing the final volume to $1.0 \; \text{liter}.$ Consider the atomic weights of $\text{H, N,}...
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In a city, the chemical formula of biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste $\text{(MSW)}$ is $\text{C}_{100} \text{H}_{250} \text{O}_{80} \text{N}.$ The waste has...
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A single-lane highway has a traffic density of $40 \; \text{vehicle/km}.$ If the time-mean speed and space-mean speed are $40 \; \text{kmph}$ and $30 \; \text{kmph},$ res...
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Let $y$ be a non-zero vector of size $2022 \times 1.$ Which of the following statement(s) is/are $\text{TRUE}?$$yy^{T}$ is a symmetric matrix.$y^{T}y$ is an eigenvalue of...
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Which of the following statements(s) is/are correct?If a linearly elastic structure is subjected to a set of loads, the partial derivative of the total strain energy with...
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Water is flowing in a horizontal, frictionless, rectangular channel. A smooth hump is built on the channel floor at a section and its height is gradually increased to rea...
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The concentrations $s(x,t)$ of pollutants in a one-dimensional reservoir at position $x$ and time $t$ satisfies the diffusion equation$$\frac{\partial s (x,t)}{\partial t...
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A pair of six-faced dice is rolled thrice. The probability that the sum of the outcomes in each roll equals $4$ in exactly two of the three attempts is _______. (round of...
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Consider two linear elastic rods $HI$ and $IJ$, each of length $b$, as shown in the figure. The rods are co-linear, and confined between two fixed supports at $H$ and $J....
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The linearly elastic planar structure shown in the figure is acted upon by two vertical concentrated forces. The horizontal beams $UV$ and $WX$ are connected with the hel...
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A uniform rod $KJ$ of weight $w$ shown in the figure rests against a frictionless vertical wall at the point $K$ and a rough horizontal surface at point $J.$ It is given ...
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The activities of a project are given in the following table along with their durations and dependency.$$ \begin{array} {|c|c|c|} \hline \textbf{Activities}& \textbf{Dura...
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A group of total $16$ piles are arranged in a square grid format. The center-to-center spacing $(s)$ between adjacent piles is $3 \; \text{m}.$ The diameter $(d)$ and len...
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A saturated compressible clay layer of thickness $h$ is sandwiched between two sand layers, as shown in the figure. Initially, the total vertical stress and pore water pr...
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A hydraulic jump takes place in a $6 \; \text{m}$ wide rectangular channel at a point where the upstream depth is $0.5 \; \text{m}$ (just before the jump). If the dischar...
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A pump with an efficiency of $80\%$ is used to draw groundwater from a well for irrigating a flat field of area $108$ hectares. The base period and delta for paddy crop o...
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Two discrete spherical particles ($\text{P}$ and $\text{Q}$) of equal mass density are independently released in water. Particle $\text{P}$ and particle $\text{Q}$ have d...
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At a municipal waste handling facility, $30$ metric ton mixture of food waste, yard waste, and paper waste was available. The moisture content of this mixture was found t...
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A sewage treatment plant receives sewage at a flow rate of $5000 \; \text{m}^{3}\text{/day}.$ The total suspended solids $\text{(TSS)}$ concentration in the sewage at the...
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A sample of air analyzed at $25 \; ^{\circ}\text{C}$ and $1 \; \text{atm}$ pressure is reported to contain $0.04 \; \text{ppm}$ of $\text{SO}_{2}.$ Atomic mass of $\text{...
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A parabolic vertical crest curve connects two road segments with grades $+1.0 \%$ and $-2.0 \%.$ If a $200 \; \text{m}$ stopping sight distance is needed for a driver at ...
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Assuming that traffic on a highway obeys the Greenshields model, the speed of a shockwave between two traffic streams $\text{(P)}$ and $\text{(Q)}$ as shown in the schema...
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It is given that an aggregate mix has $260 \; \text{grams}$ of coarse aggregates and $240 \; \text{grams}$ of fine aggregates. The specific gravities of the coarse and fi...
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The lane configuration with lane volumes in vehicles per hour of a four-arm signalized intersection is shown in the figure. There are only two phases: the first phase is ...