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A developer is planning to build a housing complex on an empty tract of land. Exactly seven different styles of houses- Q, R, S, T, W, X, and Z - will be built in the complex. The complex will contain several blocks, and the developer plans to put houses of at least three different styles on each block. The developer will build the complex according to the following rules :

Any block that has styles Z on it must also have style W on it.

Any block adjacent to one that has on it both style S and style X must have on it style T and style Z.

No block adjacent to one that has on it both style R and style Z can have on it either style T or style W.

No block can have on it both style S and style Q.

1 ) Which of the following can be the complete selection of house styles on a block ?

  1. Q, R, S
  2. Q, S, X
  3. R, T, Z
  4. S,W, Z
  5. T, X, Z
2 ) Which of the following house styles must be on a block that is adjacent to one that has on it only styles S, T, W, X, and Z ?
  1. Q
  2. R
  3. S
  4. W
  5. X
3 ) Which of the following can be the complete selection of house styles for a block that is adjacent to exactly one block, if that one block has on it styles S, T, W, and X only ?
  1. S, T and X
  2. T, X and Z
  3. R, S, X and Z
  4. S, T, W and X
  5. T, W, X and Z.
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