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5 votes
A + B means A is the father of B.
A × B means A is the sister of B
A \$ B means A is the wife of B.
A % B means A is the mother of B.
A ÷ B means A is the son of B.

Which of the following expressions is true if Y is son of X is definitely false?

(1) W % L × T × Y ÷ X
(2) W + L × T × Y ÷ X
(3) X + L × T × Y ÷ W
(4) W $ X + L + Y + T
(5) W % X + T × Y ÷ L
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2 Answers

4 votes
4 votes

(1) W % L × T × Y ÷ X      - W is mother of L, L is sister of T and T is sister of Y and Y is son of X.  So, X and W are couples and their children are L, T and Y.

(2) W + L × T × Y ÷ X       - W is father of L, rest all same as in (1), so X is mother of Y.

(3) X + L × T × Y ÷ W       - Same as (2) with X and W interchanged. So, X is father of Y.

(4) W $ X + L + Y + T       - W is wife of X, X is father of L, L is father of Y, Y is father of T. So, X is grand father of Y and hence the ANSWER.

(5) W % X + T × Y ÷ L      - W is mother of X, X is father of T, T is sister of Y, Y is son of L. So, X is father of Y. 

0 votes
0 votes
From question we just have to check the relationship between Y and X ,if Y is son of X(X is mother/father of Y) then that option is incorrect.No need of drawing whole option's family tree.
(1) W % L × T × Y ÷ X //here Y is son of X ,so Option is incorrect.
(2) W + L × T × Y ÷ X //here also Y is son of X ,so Option is incorrect.
(3) X + L × T × Y ÷ W //here X is the father of L,T, & Y so Option is incorrect.
(4) W $ X + L + Y + T// here X is father of L and L is father of Y so X is grandfather of Y ,so this option seems correct.
(5) W % X + T × Y ÷ L //here X is father of T and Y so Option is incorrect.

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